Friday, July 28, 2006

Dog Hates Cameras

QuickTime Movie

I use to take pictures and movies of my dog, Pumpkin all the time. Now in his senior years he hates getting his picture taken. I think it might have something to do with the flash. His eyes are sensitive so I don't take pictures with a flash anymore. As soon as he sees a camera in my hand he runs away. The other day I used a small camera and put it on movie mode, however, he still ran away. The above video clip is an example of how Pumpkin reacts to cameras.

Music from Fresh Library


Bev Sykes said...

LOL. Sheila has the opposite reaction. The only time she will sit and stay off leash is if there is a camera. I swear she actually SMILES for the camera!

missbhavens said...

That's hilarious! What a cutie! My dog actually looooooves cameras and it's very difficult to film in the house because she's always trying to get in on the action!

Karen said...

Hehe...I can't believe "CooJoe" is afraid of the camera! Very cute video clip!