Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Golf Swing

Golf Swing
Video sent by desertnut
The other day I saw our neighbor teaching his grandson on how to swing a golf club. Golf to me is like dancing. Your wrists, arms, hips and legs all have to move in rhythm to make that perfect swing.

It reminded me when I went to a golf school in Florida many years ago. After all day hitting buckets of balls we were given a homework assignment. The assignment was to practice our swing by using a towel and a board with a dowel in the center. I would hold the towel as if it were a stick and swing my arms. I remember standing on the board rocking back and forth shifting my hips in sync with my arms and towel in hands. That was the only thing I remembered about golf school. Maybe that's why I quit golf for awhile when I threw in the towel...LOL!

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