Thursday, January 17, 2013

Getting Organized with My DVDs

Guess what?? I'm BA-A-A-CK! Sorry about not posting for awhile. Me bad!

We've been remodeling room by room. Stuff we hadn't used for a long time, we got rid of..and let me tell ya, it felt darn good! It's ok to be a desert rat, but a "pack rat" is something I don't ever want to be.

What do you do when you have hundreds of DVDs that are piled in a plastic storage bin and no where to put them?? Some of those movies are classics and I just couldn't let go. Watch the above video to see what we did.

A great way to organize your DVD's. Thank you, My Movies for iPad!

Thanks, Diane L. for wanting me to define "Be back soon!" It feels good to be missed!

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