Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Putting Contest

Yesterday, Gordie and I were in a couples putting contest at the Putters Annual Awards Dinner. The putting greens were comprised of many different slopes and contraptions. One hole we had to putt with a baseball bat. Another hole we used a golf ball that was shaped like a miniature football to putt-in. The greens were intentionally tough, however, it was fun and we had a lot of laughs!

Click on the above image to watch a short video clip of our friends, Eva and Darrel putting with a baseball bat. The second clip shows another friend, Carol putting through a tiny tunnel.

Also, Click Here to view pictures of the event and dinner awards.

I taped this short little video from my old digital camera, so the quality isn't that great. I used it because it was small enough to fit in my pocket while putting. After playing it back, I realized I should have used my Xacti camcorder.

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