Sunday, December 03, 2006

Who's Your Daddy?

Who's Your Daddy?
Video sent by desertnut
My husband doesn't mind being called "Pumpkin's daddy" but he swore he wouldn't be caught pushing a puppy carriage. Watch the movie!

The puppy stroller is my early Christmas present to Pumpkin. Although I think he would have been much happier if I just gave him a piece of chicken. I've been wanting a stroller for him since I first saw one a year ago. Now I don't have to hold him on my lap all the time when we go to our families for the holidays. Pumpkin actually likes sitting in the stroller. I think he feels safe in it. His eye sight is gone, plus his hearing is going too. It's a bummer getting old but he's still a puppy to me.

GarageBand and Fresh Library Music

1 comment:

Bev Sykes said...

So...will Gordon ever push him around? You know how long Lizzie would last in one of those contraptions? About 10 seconds!