Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Spider Mites

Spider Mites
Video sent by desertnut
Help! The invasion of the spider mites are attacking my plants! Is there any way to get rid of them without using pesticides? The above video shows the damage these nasty little pests did to my flowers. We just sprayed the plants with sugar and water that was recommended on the Internet. It looks like the bugs I saw are dead, however I hope I don't get ants now.

*Music from Garageband


Bev Sykes said...

Maybe speak to them nicely and ask them politely to leave you alone? (What do I know? I'm not a gardener!)

Patti Auburn said...

A better solution for soft shell critters on plants is: get a spray bottle - put about 1" of rubbing alcohol (good for mealy bugs), fill with water and then put a couple of drops of liquid soap (Dr. Braunner's is good - smells good too), gently mix - you don't want foam - and spray on plants - make sure you spray the underside of the leaves too. This will take care of most infestations.

Desertnut said...

Thanks Patti for your solution. I will try that.