Sunday, May 07, 2006


Video sent by desertnut
Here's a picture of a roadrunner I took with my digital camera from my backyard this morning. I tried to zoom in without a tripod, a little shaky but better then nothing. I also shot a 30 second movie clip of the roadrunner until he ran away.

Unfortunately, the new Sanyo VPC-HD1 Xacti camcorder I got a month ago was sent back to the vendor for repair. In less then 30 days, the LCD or OLED display screen went black. What's strange about this, it's the second one I received with same defect, but from two different vendors.

I love the hd camcorder the way it takes movies, but I think it has a flaw in the OLED display...or I'm the only one in the world who received two defective camcorders in one month. Now I have to wait weeks or even months possibly to get it back from repair. This is so upsetting! Why me? I might buy a tape camcorder in the meantime so I can at least film movies other then using a digital camera. I can't zoom in to take good pictures like the VPC-HD1 can.

1 comment:

Bev Sykes said...

What? No Wylie T. Coyote? That's an awful slow waddle for a speedy roadrunner.

I know the frustration of losing a "zoom." That's the thing I miss most about my videocamera. You can make videos (though the mic isn't all that great), but it's so frustrating not to be able to zoom!